August 25, 2010

  • Wet Panties

    Hi, I'm 27 years old and I just wet myself.

    I went home for lunch today. I had two cups of coffee this morning because I was up late cybering with Yosho. I tried to cut him off at 2:30AM, but homie didn't want to stop. During the 15 minute drive from my work to my house, my bladder filled up to maximum capacity and was ready to burst at any second. To top it off, every radio station had a freakin' beverage commercial on. The sound of someone guzzling a Pepsi or pouring a drink nearly put me over the edge. It's as if the powers that be were pointing down at me from above and laughing at my predicament. "Look at that poor guy. We should add some traffic too!" The half empty water bottle in my car was starting to look real good. Too bad my big penis won't fit into the opening. If I only had a gatorade bottle.

    As soon as I got home, I sprinted to the bathroom, nearing tripping over the monster cock dildo I forgot to put away from last night. I whipped out my monster schlong, which is slightly smaller than my dildo, and began opening the flood gates. You can hear the echo of the roaring rapids from a mile away, no joke. It felt so good, almost orgasmic. I was peeing at full force with my eyes rolling to the back of my head. I was enjoying myself for about 3 seconds, contemplating the meaning of life and belting out "I believe I can fly", when I felt a weird sensation in my pants. It suddenly started to get really warm. I looked down and saw that my penis was not fully out of my pants. Half of my penis hole was still in my pants! The stream of urine was split into two, one projectile going into the toilet, and the other into my "I love the 90's" boxers, pants, and all over the toilet. The aftermath resembled one of R. Kelly's fantasies, minus the under aged girls.

    I spent half of my lunch break cleaning my bathroom. I didn't even get a chance to eat before going back to work. This was all Yosho's fault. I'm not cybering him for a whole month to punish him.


    Speaking of wet panties, let's look at this hottie. The oh so dreamy HwanHee. TaeYang who? He looks so much better with his new eyes and nose. Korean plastic surgery FTW! Oh yea, the song is not bad either.

    HwanHee + me = drenched panties

    I'd be willing to have vaginal intercourse with a girl for just one hour with HwanHee. <3

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