February 23, 2011
Nude Photoshoot with Yosho
Yosho has been begging me to do a photoshoot of him for awhile, so I finally gave in. But, I told him I would only do it under one condition; he has to get naked. Surprisingly, he agreed. Here's the first photo I took. I wanted him to get comfortable in front of the camera first, so I let him leave his clothes on.
Comments (42)
because i wanna blackmail him?
hahahahhaa LMAOOOOOOOOOOO oh Yosho.......
Good job on making yosho look decent
@luvs_u - LOL!!!!!!!!!!
loll, nice set-up
Pretty sure we all knew what was coming. LOLLL
*whew* I was hoping that since luvs_u rec'd this, it wouldn't be bad. =)
So that's what Yosho looks like... I luv the jacket, and great photo. <3 B&W. ^o^
you wish you had a nude photoshoot with me you perv
ugh never letting you take a pic of me ever again!
Keeping those extra photos private huh? Fineee.
really i thought he was like soo freaking hot but oh well hahahahahahaaa
You're too cute Wuwu.
Naked photo shoots are fun
I think the best photos are candid.. I say sneak into his bedroom and take some candid photos there
ho noes
*keeps trying to scroll down* Hey... where are the pics?
hahahaha when I read the title "nude photoshoot WITH Yosho" I thought it was you and him both nude. haha now that would be super messed up!
hey that's a great picture!
wow. that would have been crazy. lol
Wuwu, you tease.
Hahaha... I kinda feel gyped but I wasn't sure what to really expect. Hahahaha... Good job, Wuwu.
I was half hoping it was a joke and half curious... HAHAHA
Sharing is caring.. remember that. Hahah, j/k!
@Casa_blanca_lilies -
He'll probably get the nude ones there too heh.
Aww Wuwu...got my interest all up and just dashed it away hehe.
Ho ho ho!!!!!
Love that shot in black and white.
HAHAH. You're evil!
Word... why?
-ray leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
haha, sure its a best lol ever, hohoho
The Silenced Trurth !
Awww. I want to give Yosho chapstick.
False advertising! XD
haha hilarious! I actually did a couple of boudoir shoots before and I was nervous as heck, but once the client felt comfortable, it was a fun shoot.
lol he looks so constipated.
hahaha.. Dang it!!! I thought I get a little action today! >.<
LOL! no exposure!
lol, we all do!
He looks innocent; kinda not what I expected lol.
nice pic
damnit! lol
disappointed.. where are the nude pix.. i know you took some! share the goods.